Johnson County Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 10th, 2004

Iowa City Public Library, Room B

Attendance: Holly Hart, Gail Ardery, Kelley Putman, Kevin Owens, Florence Boos

After introductions and orientation, we reviewed our organizational structure, recent activities, and plans for the upcoming months.

Review of Campaigns:

Congratulations to Kelley Putman, who won a seat on the Johnson County Soil and Water Commission.

Congratulations also to Peter Harty, for running for the Johnson County Soil and Water Commission, and to Kevin Owens for his race for the Johnson County Board of Supervisors. Kevin felt the forums and opportunity for an op-ed in the Press-Citizen were most beneficial. The highest number votes per precinct came in North Liberty--perhaps influenced by the urban sprawl issue? We were told that Kevin's presence in the race caused some issues to be raised that otherwise might not have been.

Kelley reports that funds for the Soil and Water Commission may be cut, so, in the near future, this office may no loner exist. Stay tuned . . . .

Post-Election Activity:

David Cobb and Badnarik are going to call for a re-count in Ohio. If funds are available, Cobb will look into challenging the results in more states. Stay tuned. . . .

New post-election interest in the Green Party seems to been evident, with several inquiries in Iowa City. Several groups are organizing or re-grouping to touch base on post-election activity. A contact will report back from another meeting being held tonight at the same time. The Johnson County Green Party will keep in touch, and offer support and participation.

United for Peace and Justice is calling for a day of action on January 20th, 2005 (Inaurguration Day).

Some students are forming an Electoral Reform Action Committee, and are tentatively planning a meeting in early December. They are interested in discussing IRV and ballot access legislation.

Issues of Interest:

Johnson County Supervisor Neuzil has set up a time for listening posts. Kelley will send times and places to the Johnson County Green Party listserv, and stop by herself.

We expressed interest in bringing in speakers: on the media (David Larson, Waterloo); and single-payer health care (Dr. Bob Schultes, Cedar Rapids). We plan to pursue this further after the holidays.

A party sometime in January or early February was suggested. We also plan to discuss races and seats on boards and commisssions that will be opening up, and to identify races or boards members may want to look into Planning for this wil ocntinue at Decemer's Johnson County Green Party meeting. Holly will obtain a list of city/county borads and commissions and see what races are coming up in the next cycle.

Elsewhere in the state, Greens are also interested in looking seriously into local races, and concerned to publicize issues such as budget cuts and electoral reform.

Internal Business:

Kelley will ask Joannes if he is willing to be a co-signer on our bank account.

Election of co-chair: It was unanimously agreed to ask Kevin to step in as co-chair, with finding another co-chair to be discussed after the holidays.

Other groups, including Campus Greens, are meeting Wednesdays. It was decided to try to meet on the second Thrusday of the month.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be Thursday, December 9th, at 7 p. m. Also, the Electoral Reform Action Group will meet December 1st or 2nd.

Signed, Holly Hart

Secretary, Johnson County Green Party