County Green Party Business Meeting
Wednesday, April 9th, 2003, 7:30-9 p.m.
Uptown Bill's Small Mall
Facilitator: Florence
Review of agenda, minutes of last meeting;
Florence passed around newspaper
clippings (peace camp, students and Greens in the news, political cartoons);
review of recent activities. Despite several articles, members have been
frustrated with media under-reporting and under-estimating anti-war numbers
and viewpoints.
Peter Harty noted that local cable channel 18 (PATV) is now running Democracy
Now, each weekday, around 7 a.m.
Anjali Kholsa added that this also available through the internet, if
you have streaming audio, via Pacifica; she recommends WBAI, NY.
Legislative Update
Holly Hart: Not much to report. Thanks to legislative partisan haggling
over an electoral reform bill that contains several controversial points,
our ballot access content has been getting ignored, despite some interest
from Sen. Neal
Schuerer and others. It's still good to keep writing, since we hope it
will be included in another bill.
It appears the issue may be over for this session; SF332, the bill to
which we'd hoped our legislation would be appended, did not make it through
the funnel - hh]
suggesed we come up with a form letter/post card; Greens can set up a
day at the peace camp for voter registration and have the card on hand
for people to sign. Megan Woodland volunteered to staff a voter registration
table at the peace camp, on one or more Wednesdays and /or Fridays.
Peace Camp
We were happy to welcome Joe Mirabella, Seth Weese and Anjali Khosla,
visitors from the peace camp, at this week's meeting.
nearly everyone in Iowa City knows by now, several University of Iowa
students worked out permission to set up a peace camp on the Pentacrest.
This is a 24-hour-a-day operation, staffed round the clock. Students report
many good discussions with passersby (some veterans, pro and anti-war
people), after bars close (3-5 a.m.), and some harrassment (eggs, property
damage). Overall, things have been very positive.
of Iowa faculty members will offer a series of teach-ins from now until
the end of the semester. A chalkboard listing the schedule is set up in
front of the camp. Initially, this was to have run until the end of the
semester, but it's likely it will be extended to run through the summer.
will be presenting one of this week's teach-ins, on Wednesday Noon: "What
the Media Doesn't Tell Us." Barbara Hackmann would like to videotape
some of the camp activities and interview some of the campers.
peace camp is seeking co-sponsors and support; progressive organizations
are welcome to have their material on hand, offer talks, etc. Volunteers:
they need people during the day; bring a book, study during the morning
and/or afternoon.
congratulated the organizers of the peace camp, saying that it takes "conceptual
power and idealism to find a new way to state the case."
for the Johnson County Green Part to co-sponsor the peace camp; Megan
Woodland; seconded by Barb Hackmann; PASSED, unanimous.
IV. Panel
Florence suggested holding our next planned panel at the peace camp in
the evening -- more planning to come.
V. Earth Day
Earlier, members had suggsted the possibility of the Johnson County Green
Party doing something for Earth Day. Campus Greens and the UI Environmental
Coalition are already planning something. It was decided to contact them
and offer to help with whatever event they are planning.
VI. Politcal Campaign - Impeach/Try Bush, Lobby Congress
The Black Hawk County Greens have suggested that the Iowa Green Party
call for an impeachment. It was proposed that the Johnson County Green
Party endorse this and bring it to the state delegates for consideration;
we will ask Black Hawk County and others interested to look into specifics
of what may be possible.
for the Johnson County Green Party to request the Iowa Green Party to
endorse this effort; Holly Hart; seconded by Joe Mirabella and Anjali
Khosla; PASSED, unanimous.
VII. Materials/Literature
Florence has developed a leaflet on Green policy and minority rights,
similar to the one she developed on peace issues. Members receivied copies
to review. A suggestion was made to mention our advocacy of the liberalization
of drug laws.
VIII. Local Politics
Joe Mirabella: The "Over 21 Ordinance" is a hot issue among
students; overall, they are not in favor. He offered to come up with a
drug policy position paper for review. The students felt that if Greens
adopted an anti-21-ordinance stance, Greens and any of our endorsed candidates
for next fall's city council election would gain student support. They
have been invited to return with more information at the next meeting.
MEETING: Wednesday, May 7th, 7:00 p.m. - Location: Peace Camp (Pentacrest,
W. Jefferson Street)
Holly Hart
Secretary, Johnson County Green Party