Johnson County Green Party Business Meeting August 6th, 2003 I. Two new co-chairs were elected.Florence Boos is stepping down as she has a number of projects she needs to finish this semester. Additionally, Matt Blizek has left town after graduation. Last month, both Joannes Pool and Megan Woodland expressed interest in serving as co-chairs of the Johnson County Green Party. At this month's meeting, both were elected by unanimous approval. Welcome Megan and Joannes! And many thanks to Florence for the great deal
of excellent work she has done over the past year, keeping things organized
and moving, and creating several excellent flyers (Green policy; Greens
and Nonviolence). Florence also created the Johnson County Green Party
website and will continue her work as webmaster. She will also remain
as one of the Johnson County Green Party delegates to the II. Financial report:The Johnson County Green Party has collected $45.80
through tabling, exclusive of $40 which we sent to Iowa Green Party national
delegate Eric Olsen, to help defray travel expenses to the III. Proposalto amend the Iowa Green Party bylaw defining Iowa Green Party membership, now that we no longer have ballot status (and can therefore no longer register to vote as members of the Iowa Green Party):
IV. Plans for the upcoming Iowa Green Party state meeting,August 23rd, 2003, at the Iowa City Public
Library. It was suggested that we try to meet again in the coming week
to go over preparations for the state meeting. We will arrange video equipmet
and an overhead projector, snacks, room setup and tables, materials (newsprint,
tape, markers, name tags, et cetera . . . . Sarah Davidson will let us
know what materials