![]() Johnson County Green Party Business
Tuesday, November 1st, 2005 7:00 p.m. Uptown Bill's Small Mall Holly Hart, Kevin Owens, John Jennewein, Florence Boos, William Boos, Guest (political science class observer): Brandon Engmark I. Discussion of upcoming election on November 8: current city council candidates and municipal power initiative. Garry Klein and Amy Correia are city council candidates who have attracted interest from our members. Johnson County Green Party members and friends are encouraged to contact one of these campaigns to volunteer for last-minute leafletting or GO-TV phone calls. The Public Power Initiative seems to be hanging in the balance. This is an issue of great interest to Greens; members are urged to volunteer to help with GO-TV phone calls this weekend. Final GOTV efforts could be a deciding factor. To volunteer, e-mail Karen Kubby at <kubby@pobox.com> or Mike Carberry at <icpublicpower@yahoo.com> .
III. We discussed the possibility of organizing a local event to coincide with the December 3rd-9th Global Days of Action to Stop Global Warming, focusing on a major United Nations Climate Conference in Montreal. Members decided the date was too soon and our members too busy with other current work to try to put together a large-scale event. Members expressed interest in inviting national coordinator Ted Glick to Iowa City soon after the U.N. conference; or, if that's not possible, in the intermediate future. Holly will write Ted Glick and see whether this can be arranged.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 6th, 7:00 p.m. Location Uptown Bill's Small Mall. Holly Hart |