Johnson County Green Party Business Meeting
Tuesday, October 4th, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Uptown Bill's Small Mall

Several students joined the group as part of a class assignment to observe two meetings of two different political parties. Before the meeting, they were given a brief overview of the Green Party, Iowa Green Party chapters, and a brief history and overview of recent areas of interest.

List of upcoming events:
Fr Roy Bourgeois, founder of SOA Watch, tomorrow (10/6)
City zoning code hearings, tomorrow, 7 p.m. - Civic Center
FCC Town Meeting, tomorrow, 7 p.m. - New Pomerantz Bldg, C20
Citizens for Public Power lamp sale and auction;

Public Property dance 10/8, Old Brick
Sabeel Conference -- 10/14-15, Coe College campus, Cedar Rapids; Iowa Green Party will have table space; Holly will collect a few items and give to someone to take to the conference.

Discussion of upcoming events, especially the FCC Town Meeting and zoning code hearing. Members who attend a meeting will report back to the secretary, who will compile a mini-newsletter for the e-mail list.

Kevin will try to attend the zoning code hearing and town meeting, if possible.
Michael will attend the town meeting, followed by the Fr. Bourgeois talk.
Holly will attend the town meeting.
Kevin may get to Sabeel on 10/15

If they have time, Florence and Kevin will e-mail Holly comments (anyone else is welcome to do so, too).

Volunteers are needed for help with the Citizens for Public Power lamp sale and Public Property concert; canvassing; letters to the editor; hosting a yard sign: those who would like a yard sign should contact Gail Ardery <>; those wiling to write letters, contact Holly Hart <>; those interested in other volunteer work should contact Karen Kubby <>. Gail gave a brief explanation of the two initiatives involving a municipal utility.

We then discussed the city council race and candidates. Earlier, members had discussed possibly hosting a candidates' forum; League of Women Voters will be sponsoring a forum in late October, and members felt another would be redundant. Members decided instead to attend other forums and formulate questions from a Green perspective. Suggested were "sustainable cities" issues: recycling, transportation, responsible consumers.

We then discussed what we want to be doing during this time. Suggestions included continuing/re-starting a focus on school district issues; undertaking our own candidate evaluations during upcoming elections; and inviting speakers - Kelley Putman, Johnson County Soil & Water Commission, other Green speakers, films; and from local races.

We discussed our meeting venue. Uptown Bill's works for a small group, but with more attenders, it's crowded and difficult to hear. The library is free, but some like meeting at Uptown Bill's. Kevin and Michael will look into reserving a back room at Uptown Bill's. Members are willing to pay a small donation, if needed.

Florence will post meeting notices on the Johnson County Green Party website.

Next Meeting - Tuesday, November 1st, 7:00 p.m.
Location - Uptown Bill's, unless otherwise announced.

Holly Hart
Secretary, Johnson County Green Party