Welcome to the Johnson County Green Party!
We are an affiliate of the Iowa Green Party
and the Green Party of the United States.
"Young Corn" by Grant Wood |
We are committed to:
- Environments everywhere
- Non-violence
- Grassroots democracy and organizing
- Economic, social, and environmental justice
- Sustainable energy and living
- Universal healthcare
- Election reform
- Fair Trade
- Livable wages for all working people
- An end to corporate domination of democracy
- Cessation of military domination of the national budget and foreign relatio
Of Interest to Greens:
Petition to Ask the University of Iowa to move their money out of banks funding DAPL
Facebook Page
- Iowa Green Party
- Green Party US
- Twitter feeds
- See Tweets about #itsinourhands on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation.
- More #itsinourhnds. Considering a run for president in 2016. A new society, a new economy
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Iowa Green Party