Here you can find documents recounting the Johnson County Green Party's history.
The Iowa Green Party, founded in 1998, has grown eightfold since its inception and has 2500 members in virtually every county. The Johnson County Green Party, founded in 1996, now includes more than 540 members.
Speeches by Members and Records of Past Meetings
- Important City Council Election:
Ryan Hall, District B November 7th, 2017 general election.
Iowa City Council November 7th, 2017 general election. District B candidate Ryan Hall wins 2,920 (41%) of votes in first attempt. According to the 8 November 2017 Iowa City Press Citizen, Hall stated at an election event held at the Mill,
"When I started this campaign in the beginning weeks of August, I didn't know what to expect," he said, adding that he felt accepted almost immediately by Iowa City and experienced a "breadth of love from this community."
"This has been a truly grassroots, people-powered campaign," he said. - Sister Rally for the DC Climate March, April 29, 2017
- Peace Vigil held in Iowa City, January, 2017
- Address to People for Justice in Palestine Meeting, September 12th, 2002: "One Year Later: Continued Reflections from 9-11-2001" (on civil liberties), Karen Kubby (Director of the Emma Goldman Clinic; former Iowa City Councillor)
- Address at Peace Rally, January 29th, 2003, Florence Boos
- The Influence of European Greens on European Anti-War Positions, March 5th, 2003, Holly Hart
- "Pacifism and the Arguments Against War", March 5th, 2003, William and Florence Boos
- Speech after Outbreak of Iraq War, Pedestrian Mall, March 20th, 2003, Holly Hart
- Nominating Convention and Business Meeting, August 6th, 2002
Photograph: top of Hickory Hill, August 2002
Florence Boos - Business Meeting, November 13th, 2002
- Business Meeting, December 11th, 2002
- Calendar of Events, Fall 2002
- Business Meeting, January 15th, 2003
- Business Meeting, February 5th, 2003
- Business Meeting, March 12th, 2003
- Business Meeting, April 9th, 2003
- Business Meeting, May 7th, 2003
- Business Meeting, June 11th, 2003
- Business Meeting, July 9th, 2003
- Business Meeting, August 6th, 2003
- Business Meeting, September 10th, 2003
- Business Meeting, October 8th, 2003
- Business Meeting, November 12th, 2003
- Business Meeting, December 17th, 2003
- Business Meeting, January 7th, 2004
- Caucus, January 18th, 2004
- Report on 2003 Events
- Business Meeting, February 11th, 2004
- Business Meeting, March 2004
- Business Meeting, April, 2004
- Business Meeting, May, 2004
- Business Meeting, June 9th, 2004
- Business Meeting, July 2004
- Business Meeting, August 2004
- Business Meeting, September 2004
- Business Meeting, October 2004
- Business Meeting, November 2004
- Business Meeting, December 2004
- Calendar 2004
- Candidates 2004
- Business Meeting, January 2005
- Business Meeting, February 2005
- Business Meeting, March 2005
- Business Meeting, April 2005
- Business Meeting, May 2005
- Business Meeting, June 2005
- Business Meeting, July 2005
- Business Meeting, August 2005
- Business Meeting, September 2005
- Business Meeting, October 2005
- Business Meeting, November 2005
- Business Meeting, December 2005
- Business Meeting, January 2006
- Business Meeting, February 2006
- Business Meeting, March 2nd, 2006
- Business Meeting, March 29th, 2006
- Business Meeting, June 2006
- Business Meeting, July 2006
- Business Meeting, August 2006
- Business Meeting, September 2006
- Business Meeting, October 2006
Johnson County Green Party Literature
- Green Political Goals (1 page)
- The Green Party Speaks on Peace and Non-violence (3 pages)
- Civil Liberties and Diversity (4 pages)
- Candidates
- 2002 Election
- 2004 Election
Movie, "The Green Party in Iowa City," with Jay Robinson and Ralph Nader, copyright William Fuhr, 2002. The 15 MB video is available now.
Speeches by Members
Karen Kubby (Director of the Emma Goldman Clinic; former Iowa City Councillor)
Address to People for Justice in Palestine Meeting, September 12th, 2002: "One Year Later: Continued Reflections from 9-11-2001" (on civil liberties)
Jill Stein for President
We hope to see you at one of our meetings, and above all, we hope that you will VOTE GREEN in future elections.
- Saturday September 24th, 2016
- Iowa Presidental Election Planning Meeting, Iowa City Public Library
Support Green Candidates
Jill Stein for President - Dr. Jill Stein was the Green Party’s 2012 candidate for President. She holds the current record for most votes ever received by a woman candidate for President of the United States in the general election. She is a mother, an organizer, physician, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. She has helped lead initiatives to fight environmental racism and injustice, to promote healthy communities, to strengthen local green economies and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just redistricting, green jobs, and the cleanup of incinerators, coal plants, and toxic threats. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit.Ohio:
Robert Fitrakis has been working for voting justice in Ohio since at least 2004. He frequently appears with Harvey Wasserman on the radio program Green Power and Wellness and runs See Fitrakis for Franklin County (Columbus, Ohio) Prosecutor fitrakisforcongress.orgDr. Robert Fitrakis, Congressional Briefing on Voter Suppression and Election Defense, April 21, 2016
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Green Party candidate for Senator from Maryland: "The Trans Pacific Partnership is a catastrophe poised to kill what’s left of our nation, says Dr. Margaret Flowers. Long-time activist and Green Party candidate for Senator from Maryland, Margaret works to FLUSH THE TPP and warns that this proposed trade deal is “NAFTA on steroids”. These terrible trade deals turn every ounce power over to giant corporations who rig our economies to the benefit of the super rich. NAFTA utterly destroyed America’s industrial base, and the TPP will be even worse," says Flowers. See: Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 05-05-16
For a retrospective of the Johnson County Green Party 1996-2006, see history.
In the November 2002 election, our statewide candidates received 1.4% (governor), 4% (Secretary of Agriculture), 2% (Secretary of State) and 1% (Senate).
In Johnson County the candidate for Board of Supervisors, Joannes Pool, received 18% of the vote.
Green Activism
Protest Against Exclusion from Gubernatorial Debates |
Green Benefit for Joannes Pool and Jay Robinson |
![]() Peace Rally Against War with Iraq |
Campaign meeting |
Holly Hart, standing; |
Candidate for Board of Supervisors Joannes Pool |
Charles Myers and Ryan Dowler |
Campaign Sign |
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This site was established 19 August 2002 and last updated 18 February 2014.
Copyright © 2010 Johnson County Green Party. All rights reserved.
Page updated November 9, 2017