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Johnson County Green Party Business Campaign Meeting

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 Iowa City Public Library, Room B 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Present: Holly Hart, Sarah Konrad, Florence Boos, Matt Blizek, David Reed, Joannes Pool and Kathy Mitchell

Facilitator for first part of the meeting: Matt Blizek

1) Minutes

Joannes moved to approve the minutes of the August JCGP nomination convention and business meeting, which were were accepted by unanimous consent.

2) Treasurer's Report

Kelley Putman sent the current JCGP account balance to Florence. We have $441.63. Kelley stresses that when collecting funds (passsing the hat at meetings, etc), we make sure we know where all the money comes from. Florence has donated a set of post-it notes with which we can label cash and checks if needed.

[NOTE: individual donations of less than $25 do not need to be reported to the IA Campaign Ethics & Disclosure Board; however, if an individual donates several times, once the amount ads up to $25, that does have to be reported.]

3) Joannes for Board of Supervisors Campaign

David Reed will open a campaign account at the Credit Union and will serve as campaign treasurer.

4) Campaign Updates

--After a fiery introduction by Jim Walters, Joannes (JCGP Board of Supervisors) and Holly (Lt. Governor) were among the candidates who addressed the city Federation of Labor Labor Day picnic crowd.

--Don Arenz (Secretary of State) is tabling at the pedestrian mall, September 10 and 12. Don, along with David Reed and Myra Emerson, participated in the Blairstown Sauerkraut Days parade, and distributed Robinson for Governor banner and brochures and Arenz for Secretary of State buttons. More news on the Secretary of State Highway 1 Green Martial Arts Tour to come.....

--Jay Robinson (Governor) spoke at the I-RENEW Expo, Sept. 7.

--Holly, along with IAGP co-chair Larry Orr, spoke at a PFLAG meeting in Burlington. The group was very appreciative of the Green platform support of GLBT issues (Des Moines County Greens gained at least one new member!).

--David suggested we should have a banner. Jay Robinson has obtained a banner specifically for his race. Those present at Wednesday's meeting thought we should have something more generic, which could be used both for Green candidates and other Green Party events. Holly will contact Goods for Greens to get prices and find out what's available. We will also look into prices for bumper stickers and yard signs. Buttons will be requested from Erik Olson (Northeast Iowa Greens) and Ted Pfeiff (Scott County).

[NOTE: Goods for Greens merchandise is good, but it's clear we cannot afford to purchse all of our campaign paraphernalia through them. We are looking into other sources for yard signs and stickers/flyers, and will most likely order items from several sources).

--Joannes met with Jay Robinson to discuss upcoming fundraising events in Iowa City. Jooanes and Matt are organizing a fundraising concert at The Green Room September 25, with the proceeds to be split between Joannes and Jay. They have a good line-up, the show starts at 8:30, doors open at 8. Candidates will get proceeds from the door; proceeds from the bar go to The Green Room. We will have literature, buttons, donations box, and hopefully the compilation CD (organized by high school students in Des Moines for a Robinson/Green Party fundraising effort.

--Another fundraiser is being planned for sometime in October. Joanne has also met with other local political advisors. David pointed out that some who vote for Vilsack for Governor, either because they really support him or because they don't want to see Gross elected; but will vote for a local Green candidate. Joannes asked that we find out how many votes would be needed to win; Florence will look into this. We will try for the same amount of support that (Democratic progressive) Tom Carsner got in his last run for Board of Supervisors.

--Joannes has drawn up a brochure. The campaign will send a fundraising letter to all Johnson County Greens. We will be able to use the bulk rate permit; Holly will have labels made at Zephyr. Florence will donate envelopes.

--Other plans: Tabling at Ped Mall and Pentacrest; Joannes as guest on WSUI's "Iowa Talks" (a possibility, but not definite, yet); UI Homecoming Parade; neighborhood literature drop; phone banking - GOTV

New Volunters

Sarah Konrad and Jacqueline Aanes are interested in helping out with any and all of the Green campaigns. They come to us via David Redlawsk's Political Campaign class, which requires students to do some actual campaign work as part of their assignment. Welcome, Sarah and Jacque!

We also welcome the notice from City High Leftist Club, whose students have offered to help out on Green campaigns.

5) Gubernatorial Debates

Third party candidates were not included. The first debate is Monday, Sept. 16 at Coe College in Cedar Rapids. Figuring that crashing the gates and getting arrested are becoming too predictable and boring, Kathy Mitchell suggested a couple weeks ago that Jay Robinson "participate" by answering debate questions online while the debate was being broadcast.

She and Jean Robinson have set up a website and system, whereby Jean will type in Jay's answers, and the transcript will be archived and available for future reference. David Larson (Black Hawk County, IAGP and campaign media coordinator) will send out a press release announcing the "shadow debate."

Other debate activities: Jay and Holly will appear on a pre-debate PATV call-in show at Iowa City PATV. Jay will get a short spot on WSUI news, and Matt and Joannes wil look into getting Jay a segment on KRUI's "Radical Radio."

6) Other Business

Kathy Mitchell offered an invitation to the Iowa Socialist Party quarterly meeting, September 22, 2 p.m., at College Green Park. Although the ISP may not formally endosre another party's candidate (permission must be granted from the national office), ISP members are supporting Iowa green candidates, and have offered a lot of work and expertise.

Florence has been working further on the JCGP website. She is trying to get it listed on more search engines. Links for Barnes & Noble and Amazon can be put in, and JCGP would receive a contribution each time a purchase is made by going to Amazon or Barnes and Noble through our website. However, sentiment ran against getting contributions via corporate chains. Joannes suggested we check instead with locally-owned businesses, Prairie Lights and Iowa Book & Supply, to see if they give us the same benefit. He will also check with Prairie Lights and Fun Zone to see if they would be willing to have a few of the benefit compilation CD's on hand.

NEXT MEETING: During the campaign season, we are holding weekly campaign meetings, usually Wednesdays at the Iowa City Public Library. This week's meeting will begin at 8 p.m., so members can attend at least part of the Progressive Dane talk (7 p.m. at Old Brick). Business meetings are held monthly; the next JCGP business meeting will be October 16th, 7 p.m. in the Public Library.

Submitted, 9/17/02

Holly Hart Secretary, JCGP

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