Report on Johnson County Green Party Activities, Winter 2003-early 2004
January 31st, 2004
Johnson County Greens have made inroads over the past year in becoming a welcome and integral part of the local activist and education network. For last spring's teach-in at the University of Iowa, Joannes Pool, Florence Boos and Holly Hart presented a panel on historical development of modern peace movements; European Green and minority parties' influence on European government policies, and Instant Runoff Voting.
Several members played active roles in two of the city council races last fall: Karen Kubby was campaign manager for Regenia Baliey's winning campaign (and others of us made phone calls on her behalf); Florence and Bill Boos worked for Irvin Pfab; Joannes Pool lent his talents as a graphic artist to Brandon Ross's campaign, and Holly Hart was campaign treasurer (Brandon didn't win, but is considering a run next cycle when there will be a better chance of success).
During the summer and fall months, members tabled most Saturday afternoon on the pedestrian mall. Bill Boos took the lead for this activity, and reports that, despite concern over another Bush administration and support for any Democratic candidate, there is still pleobvious interest in the Green Party. Our literature and buttons were especially popular.
In December, Co-chair Megan Woodland spoke on our behalf at the local FTAA "solidarity" rally in downtown Iowa City, and described what a Green administration would be like in terms of foreign trade and military policy.
Early this month, we were visited by Daryl Northrop of Des Moines, undertaking a campaign for U.S. Senate; and his campaign manager, Roger Bentley of Ames. The Johnson County Green Party and Campus Greens will be collecting petition signatures to get Daryl on the ballot to run against Senator Charles Grassley next November!
Campus Greens "re-activated" last fall, and planned to seek accreditation as an official chapter of the national Campus Greens organization. Co-chair Ethan Grundberg was also prevailed upon to run for -- and win -- a seat on the University of Iowa student senate.
Johnson County Green Party members held a local caucus (with representation from Linn County in attendance) on Feburary 18th, at The Mill restaurant. An upbeat, informal evening included speeches, discussion and music. The consensus was an enthusiastic support of David Cobb's campaign for Green presidential candidate: note was made of his committement to working with party activists, to mentor and train party members and help build local Green parties; his interest in encouraging and supporting local Green candidates; his willingness to work with any state interested; his statement that he considers ballot status a priority and would advocate a strong, visible campaign an a state where ballot status is in question; a thoughtful and strategic approach to the 2004 race to maximize potential benefits that may be gained during this cycle and give a voice to Green values during the presidential race.
Currently, Campus Greens are planning to host an FTAA informational event on February 5th, at the Iowa Memeorial,Union, and have invited the Johnson County Green Party to staff a table there, as well.
Campus Greens and JCGP members are also planning for a short (but we hope
fruitful) visit by David Cobb, scheduled for February 17th. Although he
could only be in Iowa one day he will be back later this spring, and hopes
to hit more cities in Iowa. During this visit, we've planned, so far,
aparticiaption on W. S. U. I.'s "Talk of Iowa," PATV segment,
editorial board meetings, if possible an interactive discussion with Iowa
students via the ICN, possibly a meet-the-
candidate dinner at the Hamburg Inn, and an evening event hosted by Campus
Greens. Daryl Nortrhop will also be in attedance at one or more of these
events, - this is obviously breaking news, so we don't have a lot of details,
yet, but want to get the word out.
Holly Hart, Secretary
Copyright © 2010 Johnson County Green Party. All rights reserved.
Page updated October 26, 2013